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ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans,  activities, etc.
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English worksheets  > contributions by chipougne2008


The author



Points: 2184


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Online exercises

Christmas quiz
Christmas is coming so this might be a good way to finish the year! You can put students into groups of about three and get them to read the questions and answer to each other. Have a nice day!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 158

How much do you know about Great Britain?
Students will be able to know more about the UK. Have a nice day :)
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 172

Physical description - part 2
Students will ba able to speak and write about physical description. Have a nice day.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 194

Physical description - part 1 updated
Students will be able to speak and write about physical description. 2nd part of the document: http://www.eslprintables.com/buscador/author.asp?user=417092&page=2&orderby=#thetop Have a nice day.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 276

Our school
A reading about a school in Winchester, England. I hope you will find it useful.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 107

School places
Simple worksheet for young students who want to know more about school and its places. Students need to match numbers and pictures. Have a nice day!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 104

On the internet- Group work
A worksheet to practise the internet vocabulary. Stds can answer in groups. Can be done in class or in school library.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 80

How long have you had it? Pairwork
A pairwork including new technology devices vocabulary and the use of "since" and "for". Hope you will find it useful.
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 58

Easter vocabulary
Vocabulary for Easter season.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 36

A very simple worksheet about describing people. Students have to complete sentences or cicle the correct answers.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 39


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Found 0 online exercises