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English worksheets  > contributions by alexandramduarte


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Emotions Sorting Mat - PRINTABLE
Material para ensinar as crian�as a identificar as emo��es atrav�s das express�es faciais. Eles devem decidir qual emo��o cada foto representa e coloc�-la no "mat" correspondente.

Level: elementary
Age: 3-7
Downloads: 20

Goldilock - flashcards with vocabulary used on the story
Flashcards with vocabulary mentioned on the story. The story (Goldilocks and the three bears) can be used to teach family members, parts of the house and adjectives.

Level: elementary
Age: 3-8
Downloads: 10

Farm Animals Bingo - PRINTABLE
Bingo with farm animals

Level: elementary
Age: 3-6
Downloads: 6

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