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English worksheets  > contributions by Profclaudia


The author

Claudia Fortier

Points: 1240


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Online exercises

Simpson_Season 11_Episode 5
Students must watch the episode of the Simpson and decide if the events on the worksheet really happened.Correction Key included.
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 15

Summaries of the Simpsons Episodes
This worksheet contains the summary of 4 episodes of the Simpsons Season 11. (For questions about these episodes, see my other worksheets.) After students have watched the 4 episodes, they have to read the texts and associate each episode with the appropriate summary. The worksheet can be modified so if you cannot watch the episode, you can only us...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 6

The Simpsons: Season 11 (Episodes 3-4)
CORRECTION KEY IS INCLUDED! Here are the activities to be done with the episodes 3 and 4 of the season 11. It encourages students to take notes to be able to have a general idea of the episode.(As I mentioned for the episodes 1-2, some words have been translated to French, but the worksheet can be modified to fit your needs)
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 16

The Simpsons: Season 11
NEW VERSION INCLUDES A CORRECTION KEY! These worksheet have been used for secondary 2 students in Quebec (13-14 years old). Thus, some words have been translated to French, but as the worksheet can be modified, you can change it to your students� language. This document contains the episodes 1 and 2 of the season 11, but the others are to come ve...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 21

Jigsaw Worksheet About Rock Bands!
This is the last part of the Jigsaw! After students A, B, C and D have read their text about a rock band (and answered the questions to verify their understanding), they gather in a jigsaw group and complete this worksheet. It is VERY complete and necessitate that each member of the jigsaw group participates. Remember, each student of the group rea...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 31

Pink Floyd_History (Jigsaw: Student D)
The text was taken from wikipedia and I made questions about it. It is the fourth part of a Jigsaw where groups of four students read different texts. When they are familiarized with their text (band), they gather with their partners (Students A, B and C) and they answer the document called "Jigsaw group worksheet". It is very effective to have stu...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 34

Black Sabbath_History (Jigsaw_student C)
This text was taken from wikipedia. It is the third text used in a jigsaw. See the other texts about The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd. (see the jigsaw group worksheet as well.)
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 16

The Rolling Stones_History (Jigsaw: Student B)
This text was taken from wikipedia. It is the second one used in a Jigsaw. See my other worksheets about The Beatles, Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd. (See the Jigsaw group worksheet as well.) I also made a cover page, but it was too large so if you are interested in seeing it, let me know, I�ll send it to you.
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: Choose
Downloads: 21

The Beatles_History (Jigsaw: Student A)
I took the text from wikipedia and made questions about it. I chose 4 rock bands from England and made a "jigsaw" with it, but the document was too large so I had to divide it group by group. This one is about The Beatles, but I made others about The Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd. I divided a secondary 4 group (32 students) in groups...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: Choose
Downloads: 16

Mini-test simple past
This is a mini-test I had secondary 2 students do to verify their understanding of some rules of the simple past.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 6


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