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ESL forum > Games, activities and teaching ideas > Poetry Day    

Poetry Day

sea camel

Poetry Day

Hi guys

Soon it will be Poetry Day (28th January) and this year I intend to write my student �s Limericks on the windows with a special chalk marker.  Our school building has numerous windows and I think our Limericks won �t be enough. So I �m looking for small poems of 4 or less than 4 lines. Catching poems with a bit of a funny twist, maybe. Do you know about specific sites with useful poetry? Other useful ideas are welcome too!
Hugs from Belgium!

16 Jan 2010      

Czech Republic

I don �t know any sites for it.. but I know a few limericks !

There once was a boy named Trevor
Who wanted to live forever
he stood on his head
and then he was dead
now that wasn �t very clever

16 Jan 2010     

United Kingdom




16 Jan 2010     

sea camel

Dear Rabbitwho and Aftab57
I �ve saved the Limerick (I guess, indeed, a Limerick is the best poetry form to use.) and the doc. file aswell as the sites. Thank you very much. They have already been a great help!
Have a wonderful Sunday!

16 Jan 2010     


Hi Kristen,
I tried to find some for you, I got this..:

 "Yesterday when my favourite clown
     arrived he was wearing a frown"
      �I �m tired of the way
      I �m laughed at each day
     I �m getting a new job in town. �

16 Jan 2010     

sea camel

Thanks for your fantastic limerick, dear Judith! It �s fairly easy to understand. So my lower level students will be able to read it. 
I almost missed it...Confused. Luckily, I received your PM!

17 Jan 2010