Articles worksheet (a, an, the...)
A lesson + worksheet about articles I made for my A1 class of adult students.
There�s a short lesson + a few exercises.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 64
At The Bank Lesson
At The Bank, a fully editable lesson for young adults / adults.
Pages: 1 to 4 are Student A / 4 to 8 are Student B (there are 2 exercises to do with a partner) / 9 to 10 are KEYS.
At the Bank: Vocabulary, spelling mistakes, role playing and listening skills.
Level: intermediate
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 42
AT THE POST OFFICE - Full Lesson (7 pages) + KEY
Hello everybody! Here is a full lesson I made for my intermediate adult students. It is about The Post Office, in which you�ll find vocabulary, grammar, listenings, games and roleplays. You can edit all the content but I added the KEY so you don�t have to change anything if you don�t want to.
PS: I made the "vocabulary" picture, I can sen...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 31
At The Restaurant Dialogue Exercise
Here is an exercise I made for my B1 adult students...
A couple orders food in a restaurant. The words are on the right, and the pupils have to put them back into the right sentences.
You can remove the colors to increase the difficulty.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 75
Christmas Brag Cards
These are a few Christmas brag cards for your pupils... I made them for my 8->11 years old, but they work for younger kids, too.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-10
Type: others
Downloads: 7
Christmas Tongue Twisters (with AI images)
These are famous CHristmas Tongue Twisters.
The game is to make the students look at the pictures (AI generated) first and then tell them to read. My students didn�t understand most of the tongue twisters so it was funny for them to guess by looking at the pictures.
Level: intermediate
Age: 3-100
Downloads: 12
Hallowe�en Brag Cards (part 1)
Here is the first part of the Hallowe�en brag cards I made for my 8-11 years old pupils.
In this document, there are The Vampires : winking, shocked, tired, angry, confused and smiling vampires (the quote is : *FANG*tastic job") and The Ghosts : blushing, drooling, happy, pirate, mummy and witch ghosts (the quote is : "BOOtiful work").
A good...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Type: others
Downloads: 13
Hallowe�en Brag Cards (part 2)
Here is the second part of the Hallowe�en Brag Cards I made for my 8-11 years old pupils !
In this document, you�ll get the Pumpkin�s feelings ("you did a bloody amazing work"), and some more Hallowe�en vocabulary ("you are a scareful pupil")...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Type: others
Downloads: 9
How to describe and critique a piece of art (part 1/3)
Here�s a lesson I made on request for one of my students (private lesson) who used to study art.
It tells you how to describe a piece of work in details, with examples and a few exercices. Here is the first part (FORM). There are two other parts (PROCESS-MOOD-CONTENT-CONTEXT), which will be available soon.
The document is fully editable on Word....
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: others
Downloads: 58
How to describe and critique a piece of art (part 2/3)
Here�s a lesson I made on request for one of my students (private lesson) who used to study art. It tells you how to describe a piece of work, with examples and a few exercises. Here is the second part (FORM-CONTENT-CONTEXT). There are two other parts (FORM-PROCESS-MOOD), they are available too (one file was too big). The document is fully editable...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: others
Downloads: 54