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English worksheets  > contributions by reesehsx


The author

Reese W
United States

Kindergarten teacher from Florida in the united States. I am always looking for new and helpful ideas and activities for my students.

Points: 14


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Online exercises

Friendship Characteristics Worksheet
Introductory workshop for teaching the characteristics of friendship. Kindness is emphasized.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-5
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 7

Going On a Trip
Worksheet I used for My 2nd graders on their Ellis Island unit. They will think about what they would want to bring with them when moving to another country, and draw a picture of it, then write about it. This can be adapted for any unit on travel, vacation, holidays, transportation, immigration.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 7


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Found 0 online exercises