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English worksheets  > contributions by tonyakaushik


The author

Tonya Kaushik
United States

I earned my MA in TESL and Applied Linguistics from Winston-Salem State University. I teach adult ESL students at an IEP; I also teach undergraduates (ESL and NS) at WSSU.

Points: 40


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Online exercises

Telling Time Review (words to numbers, noon/midnight, in the morning/afternoon, at night)
I created this worksheet to help my adult ESL students understand how we say what time it is in the U.S. This worksheet includes a section to write the time in numbers after reading the words (e.g., twelve oh six), a section to determine if a picture is at 12 noon or 12 midnight, and a section to determine what time of day an event happens (in the ...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 40


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