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English worksheets  > contributions by anetka22


The author


I`m an English teacher, I started my adventure with teaching students this year. For now I realy enjoy my work. I` m glad that I found this web, hope my wss would be useful:)

Points: 398


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Online exercises

Advantages/disadvantages of being famous
The lesson focuses on practicing the four language skills: reading, speaking, listening, writing. All the materials are ready
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 19

Flash test - can for abilities
A short flash test, used with 13 year olds, checks forming positive, negative sentences and questions with the use of modal verb CAN. CAN used for abilities.
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 4


Found 0 PowerPoints

Found 0 online exercises