"VERBS" - The Use of "SAY & TELL" -The verbs "say & tell" differ in the way they are used - Elementary - (( Definition & 40 Exercises )) - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
The verbs say and tell differ in the way they are used. Say is always used when the words of a speaker are given directly. When the words of a speaker are given indirectly, both say and tell may be used. Say, however, can be used only when the person to whom the words are spoken is not mentioned. When the person is mentioned (i.e., when there is an...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 248
�THE PRONOUN� - Personal & Impersonal Pronouns - ((Elementary/intermediate)) - Students get to practise their pronouns with (( 5 different exercises to complete)) - ((B&W VERSION INCLUDED))
This worksheet focuses on practising the Impersonal and Personal Pronouns. It includes 5 different exercises which are as follows: **((1))**Exercise A: Underline the pronouns and say which are personal and which are impersonal**((2))** Exercise B: Below are some pairs of sentences. In the second sentence of each pair there is a pronoun. Write out e...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 279
"INFINITIVES" - Teaching students to complete the meaning of some verbs and adjectives with the infinitive form of the verb - (( Definitions & 38 Exercises to complete )) - elementary / intermediate - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Infinitives are used in various ways in English. They are often used to complete the meaning of certain verbs and adjectives in English. This worksheet focusses on teaching students "when, why & How" to use the infinitive form of the verb. There are the definitions & 38 exercises to complete. Black & White version included. Hope you find it useful....
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 334
"Aborigines" - The Natives of Australia - (( 18 Pages )) - Comprehensive Unit of Work / Lesson - lower level to elementary - Editable - Colour version also available
This unit of work focusses on learning English language through the topic of Australian "Aboriginals". It was developed for lower level to elementary level students. There are many reading, writing and grammatical tasks that assist in the learning of English. It includes: verbs, subject/Verb/Object, tenses, adjectives, comparative VS superlatives, ...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 46
Computers & Phrasal Verbs - elementary to intermediate - (( 2 pages )) - with Answers - Editable
This worksheet focusses on teaching phrasal verbs through the topic of "Computers". It includes: verbs. perpositions, phrasal verbs, cloze activity and is editable. Hope you find it useful. Cheers.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 73
"USING PREFIXES TO MAKE ANTONYMS" - learning how to form Antonyms using un-, in-, dis- prefixes - ELEMENTARY - B&W VERSION INCLUDED
A prefix is added to a word often forms the antonym, or opposite, of the base word. The common prefixes that act in this way are un- (unlucky), in- (invisible), and dis- (dislike). Before words beginning with the letters �m� or �p�, the prefix �in� changes to �im� (impolite). This worksheet focusses on forming antonyms using the un-, in-, dis- pref...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 299
�HELPING VERBS/MODALS� - MAY - MIGHT - MUST - SHOULD - (( 6 Exercises & 58 Exercises to complete )) - elementary/intermediate - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
This worksheet focuses on the Helping Verbs MAY - MIGHT - MUST - SHOULD. There are 6 exercises with 58 sentences for your students to complete. The worksheet includes the following tasks:
1) Exercise A: Complete the following questions, answers and statements, using the pronoun or name in the brackets, and choosing a verb from the box.
2) Exerc...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 476
Computer Vocabulary - Antonyms - elementary to intermediate - Editable
This unit focusses on teaching English Language through "Computer Vocabulary". It includes: antonyms/opposites, computer vocabulary, completing sentences with correct opposite word and is editable. Hope you find it useful. Cheers.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 33
�ADJECTIVES� - Demonstrative, Distributive & Indefinite Adjectives - ((Elementary/Intermediate)) - Explanations & 7 Exercises with approx. 40 sentences to complete - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
This worksheet focuses on teaching students to identify different types of Adjectives such as Demonstrative Adjectives, Distributive Adjectives & Indefinite Adjectives. The explanation for each adjective type is included. There are a total of 7 Exercises which are as follows: **((1)** Exercise A: Find 4 adjectives to describe each picture,**((2))*...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 327