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Back to school! Classroom Rules


Back to school! Classroom Rules
Just a little hello from me !

Here �s a pic of what I did for the bulletin board"
We are very busy,busy BEES"! /classroom rules together with my pupils.

Within the first days of class, it �s essential to establish classroom rules, management plans, and show students how it all works before other activities begin.

Some years I have let the children make suggestions as to the consequences. Other years, I created class rules by myself..
it depends greatly on the children.
This year I let them create their own classroom rules and make a contract that makes them feel in control and confident of classroom expectations.
-First I put the students in groups

-I gave  10 minutes to brainstorm a list of three positive classroom rules.

-Groups wrote their choices on the  paper.

-Then I  asked the whole class to find the most common rules between all groups. -At the end they voted on top five .

-A large copy of the contract will be placed on the classroom wall for reminders.
Here are our class rules for the new year:

Respect teacher and classmates!

Raise your hand to speak!

Work quietly and do not disturb others!
Follow directions !
Always try your best!

Have a great and successful year everyone!





3 Sep 2009      


I love your bulletin board and your ideas!
Have a wonderful school year!
Hugs! Hug

3 Sep 2009     


I love your bulletin board idea!! Do you have a copy for your bees to make as printable??? I would love to put these up in my class

3 Sep 2009     


Hi Victoria, it �s a lovely activity and the result is beautiful, maybe I �ll try it with one of my classes! Thanks for the idea and for sharing it with us.

3 Sep 2009     

Anna P

Lovely bulletin board, Victoria! Preparing a classroom with lively bulletin boards is the only thing I really miss about not being a school teacher anymore.
Thanks for sharing your great idea!

3 Sep 2009     


What a lovely bulletin board!! It is PERFECT!

Clap Congratulations, Victoria!!

3 Sep 2009     


Excellent! I �ll sure try this with my pupils next week!

3 Sep 2009     


Great idea. I use in my classes a similar idea. Let the pupils decided on their own rules and in the end add some of my own. Most of the time they actually repeat rules from previous years (which from year to year stay the same - depend on the age). But I must say that the idea of busy bees and using the BE... it �s wonderful and creative!! 

3 Sep 2009     


Lovely bulletin board!!!!Clap

3 Sep 2009     

Mariethe House

Thanks a lot Vicky! I have already used some of your ideas ( rules )  from your site and they work! Abosolutely great!
Yes I would be interested in one of your BEES as well!

You are a fantastic person!

3 Sep 2009     


The board looks GREAT !!! You have Great ideas.
I am going to use it in my class!!!

3 Sep 2009     

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