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ESL forum > Make suggestions, report errors > What good is signing up if you can´t print anything    

What good is signing up if you can´t print anything

alien boy

Hi roneydirt.

Okay, I�ll give you a couple of ideas in response to your questions:

1) rather than scanning documents into an image do you have access to MS Word or an equivalent program like Star Office? I say this because if you have a worksheet that can be amended to suit their own situation by whoever downloads it, it is far more useful for most people here than a large image file. You could scan any images that you use & place theminto a word document then upload them. See the post �for kenieva� for a couple of links to stuff about images & documents. You can also message me if you have further questions. However, like you I�m quite busy, so it may take me a little while to answer you properly.

2) If you have worksheets or other things that you have then modified so that they are significantly different to the original, then sure, you can upload them. It may be a good idea to credit the original work in your comments about your upload too.

3) re Korean - the majority of the members here would not be teaching Koreanstudents. The membership is truly global. You would be better off removing any Korean before uploading your worksheet. It is much better for everyone if worksheets are in English only because they can be used & adapted by any member of the community. Undoubtedly, you will find some sheets here with other languages on them too. One reason why you won�t find much of my work here is because I always use Japanese on my worksheets too. Until I get an opportunity to amend them I won�t  upload them.

4) On the points front - the same rules apply to everyone & if you have even one half decent sheet 30 points is very easy to get.

5) It�s important that a worksheet or powerpoint is either fuilly self contained or cross references something that is easy for other members to access. As an example, I really like the idea behind your upload getting students to vote for the program they will watch. Unfortunately the attached questions are specific to those programs listed. Where I teach I cannot show programs/videos/YouTube etc for class & even if I could, I doubt I would have access to episodes of �The Monkees� (which is a shame). If you had a process without the specific programs & then more generic questions I would be more likely to download the item. Just an idea.

Finally, you may be surprised about the experiences of many of the members. Please don�t be too quick to judge people. Use your background, knowledge & experience to help - which it sounds like you do! It�s great to know there�s someone �putting their money where their mouth is.�


p.s. I believe the 2 days is just that, 2 days & not business days. If you are truly desperate for a sheet you can try messaging me... but... like I said before... I�m pretty busy & may not be able to help you in time.

12 Jan 2009     

Lulu La la

Dearest sweetest roneydirt.  

There are a million websites out there with a ton of free worksheets.  In fact, there is almost too much, it kinda blows my mind.   I worked in a Thai school for many years, with 60 students per class with no worksheets, no internet, no books, just me, the kids, paper and pencles.  I figured it out, so I�m sure you will too.  This website is fabulous because the worksheets are origional worksheets made from scratch so by insulting this website, you are insulting the people who are willing to share good quality, high standard work. 
Good luck with your class, I hope you will regain excellent health as soon as possible and I wish you much success in your teaching Career.

12 Jan 2009     

Im Lety

Hi again Rony...
We have to follow some rules when we sing up here...Im sure you read the rules or F.A.Q when you found this web...
And yes, to get your points you need to wait a day or two...To bad for you that need some work I guess for tomorrow...I think  would have been better if you had asked at the forum about the specific topic you were looking for, maybe some of us would have helped you...And we can still do that...
REading about that you create your own work and being here talks good about you, you just are impatient...
About ypur three Ws, you culd write to Victor (the person who creates this site), maybe he can helps you if you tell what happened with your account...
About your powerpoit work ummm im afraid i can not help you...I never uploaded nothig abput powerpoint...But there are many people that do it...Some of us would have helped you...Here we have people of everywhere and im sure there are Korean people who can help you...You just have to write here and write about your questions related with teaching...
You can take pictures, documents or whateaver you want but you have to give the source if dont im sure you know thats illegal...People here prefer to do their own material and work...I think thats better than just copied and paste it...Besides teachers are very creative people...
I think is an excellent idea about giving 5 points at the moment we sing up...I havent think about it hahaha...
To be honest with you, I found this web because I was in a hurry too, but I decided to wait two days to get those points and of course that I search in google about the topic that I was looking for and I prepare my class successfully, since then I have been working hard to share my work with other teachers in this web...I hope you have that patience and work harder to be part of this community if you still interested of course...Greetings Smile

12 Jan 2009     

New Zealand

This community is a wonderful community where the focus is on sharing. I am sorry but the way you have written your posts are quite demanding and rude in my eyes. I can understand it is not pleasant to be feeling poorly in health BUT....There are literally THOUSANDS of other websites that you can get free materials, you need to simply google the topic and many will come up.

This website is special. We have all been beginners and in order to appreciate you need to contribute, the ethos for this website is a community who shares and appreciates each others work.
It�s one I am so happy to be a part of!

12 Jan 2009     

alien boy

Alas, it�s not just roneydirt who was somewhat �in your face� in their approach....

p.s. I spent 6 months in the last 3 years in & out of hospital with pneumonia related issues.... I can really relate to physical & mental aspects of this. I, at least, had the support of loved ones at different times during my ill health & I was in my home country!

12 Jan 2009     

Im Lety

My dear Bryce 6 months is a long time...
Hope you are well now  Embarrassed

12 Jan 2009     

New Zealand

True it is awful to be sick... AND still trying to teach, this is something that most teachers at some point in their careers will do as to be off creates more work as you need to prepare....

The Original Poster though needs worksheets and these are freely available on many topics all over the web.
Maybe we can provide a list of website like abc teach etc for her to check out. I have to go out for a couple of hours but when I come home I shall compile a list websites that has material for teachers from my bookmarks page.
 To get her started

Many books and worksheets: free registration required:



12 Jan 2009     

Im Lety


Welcome Bill from korea-China LOL
Nice to meet you Embarrassed

12 Jan 2009     

alien boy

Fighting fit & ready to go! Thanks for the concern LetyWink

The mental exhaustion was far more difficult to deal with than the physical exhaustion. You have to be careful not to overdo things - just because you�re feeling fine (physically) doesn�t mean you�re actually over the infection.

Now, I am not implying anyone here is insane, but probably the chief motivator for my embarkation on an education career was related to mental health issues. Just because you think you�re ok doesn�t mean you are... you don�t have to be a complete nutter to need some assistance (& I don�t mean medication either)

p.s. thanks for the links cheezels, wish I�d thought of that rather than just pontificating...

12 Jan 2009     


Hello roneydirt,
I hope you�ll recover alltogether soon!

However - I really don�t appreciate your tone of voice. If the conditions of the site don�t suit you, go elsewhere. Nobody�s forcing you to be part of this fantastic community. If you give it time and quality input though - you won�t be able to imagine the benefits to come!

While most people here actually react amazingly constructive and understanding - which is something I love about this community - I feel, that your words are a slap in the face of everybody here, who put in time and effort and I don�t really think, that your illness is really an excuse for your pretty rude statements here!  It really made me angry to read them. How dare you talking business to the people here who share outstanding material for actually no money at all?! Angry (Well - the benefit is time and therefore money, but I don�t think, that most active people here care about that.) Go and put in quality work before you demand quality - for free and try being polite and nice for a change! We have a saying in Germany that is called the law of the forest: As you call into the forest, it�ll call back!!!

Still - get well soon!

12 Jan 2009     

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