My favourite card game | Pictograms |


e.g. adjectives ( happy/sad, old/young, tall/short, fat/thin......)


card, glue, scissors


1. Give each pair a copy of the pictures and the words as they are above . Then ask pupils to stick their photocopies onto card and cut out the 17 cards.

2. Pupils shuffle the cards and hand them out (one pupil wil l have 9 cards and the other 8). Pupils should hold their cards in their hand without letting their partner see them.

3. Tell them that the aim of the game is to get rid of their cards forming pairs of pictures and words. To do so they must get rid o the �Grumpy Grandpa� card which does not have a pair.

4. First, each pupil puts the pairs they already have got face up on the table, saying the adjectives out loud. The other player checks that the picture and word cards match.

5. Now pupils take turns picking a card from each other�s hand (without seeing which one it is). Then they check if they can form a new pair. If they can, they put the cards down, say the words out loud, and offer the cards left in their hand to their partner to choose from.

6. The game continues until one pupil has no cards left and the other pupil is left with the �Grumpy Grandpa� card.

 Happy teaching,
