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English worksheets  > contributions by nanou97421


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Online exercises

Parts of the face
This worksheet is related to a ppt that I�ve already uploaded. It can be useful to study parts of face in class. Students have to fill in the small vocabulary boxes. In a second exercise they have to unscramble the words. Hope this is useful. Enjoy. Nanou I used a template from zailda: eslprintables20102202115766783400 to create this worksheet.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 85


Parts of face
This funny ppt can be useful to study parts of face in your classroom. A worksheet related to this will soon be posted. Enjoy :)

Level: elementary
Age: 3-12
Downloads: 26

What are their names
A great ppt for teaching Alice in wonderland characters allowing students to practice His/ Her/ Their. This can be used as a recap after watching the movie for example. Enjoy.

Level: elementary
Age: 3-12
Downloads: 58

Found 0 online exercises