Looking Back on 2013 and Ahead To 2014
I thought I�d do something a little different with my adults this Christmas - a reflection on the year they had and what experiences they want to create in the upcoming year. I hope it will be inspirational for them and that some of you may be able to enjoy using it with your students, too. Seasons greetings and hugs to all. Julia
Level: intermediate
Age: 16-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 189
Simple Present Affirmative with Basic Verbs
Some of my students are having trouble remembering who takes the third person -s and who doesn�t. I�m hoping this print will help then. Students color the correct option. Hope everyone has a lovely day!
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 348
Phonics Mini Book 17. Long Vowel Sounds: ai, ee, ea, oa, ue Happy Holidays
It�s taking too long to teach each of these sounds separately, so I�m trying something new and teaching them together, hence the need for a new mini book. Thank you DedicatedTeacher for the lovely template. As always the first page is full color, second mainly grayscale, and you can read the story without having to crank your neck on the third page...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: reading
Downloads: 101
Simple Present with �Want� Affirmative & Negative. 1 Page plus Answer Key
Although my elementary school students are doing really well with the simple present orally, they didn�t do so well with their homework, so I made this for extra practice. In the first exercise the students just draw lines to connect the personal pronouns to �want/don�t want� or �wants/doesn�t want.� In the second exercise they unscramble the words...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 55
Passive Voice Matching Sentence Halves Present and Past Simple, 1 Page & Key
Students match the sentence halves and then write the complete sentences in their notebook, changing the verb into the passive voice. Thank you Victor for fixing the problem with uploading, I�m very grateful to you for taking the time and trouble. Hope some of you can use this in your classes and enjoy the rest of your week. Julia
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 296
Simple Present with Basic Verbs - Affirmative, Negative & Interrogative. 1 Page Plus Key
Students look at Mickey and Minnie�s weekend schedules and make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in the simple present accordingly. I want my students to be able to switch back and forth from the third person singular to the first person, second person, third person plural etc., so the sentences are intentionally a mix of all of th...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 220
Phonice Mini Book 16. Long u sound in �ue� and �u_e:� Our Dog Prue and the Barbecue
The last of the books dealing with long vowels for now, this one focuses on the long u sound in �ue� and �u_e.� As always the first page is full color, the second page largely gray scale, and the third page has the story the right way up so you can read it more easily. Hope some of you and your students enjoy it, too. As always, a big thank you to ...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Type: reading
Downloads: 90
Simple Present - Questions with When. Two Pages Plus Key.
Hope 2013 is starting off well for you all. A worksheet to drill my students in the simple present interrogative with when. Matching powerpoint at http://www.eslprintables.com/powerpoint.asp?id=67343#thetop and http://www.eslprintables.com/powerpoint.asp?id=67344#thetop First students complete the words and match to the pictures, and then they use ...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 214
Merry Christmas Mr. Bean QA. 1 Page Plus Key.
I�m going to use Blizzard1�s excellent printable on Merry Christmas Mr. Bean (here: http://www.eslprintables.com/cinema_and_television/movies/christmas_movies/merry_christmas_mr_bean/Merry_Christmas_Mr_Bean__342604/#thetop) with my JHS school and adult students. I have made some QA about it to give to my adult students as homework. Hope some of you...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 353
What�s in Santa�s Bag with Demonstratives - this, that, these, those. 2 Pages Plus Key.
Hoping you are all enjoying the lead up to the holiday season. On the first page students match the pictures in Santa�s sack with the words on the right hand side. On the second page students write QA, such as What�s this? It�s a... For students to be able to complete this successfully you will need to explain to them that the Santa sacks at the to...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 216
Adjective or Adverb Animated Powerpoint Game with 29 Slides
I�ll be using some of the excellent prints I found here to introduce and practice this language point, but couldn�t find a game for practicing adjectives versus adverbs so I made one. The questions require students to decide if sentences need an adjective or an adverb and complete. Hope it�s helpful...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 417
Simple Present Questions with When Part 2
Sorry, I couldn�t get the file light enough to send it in one go, but I believe this powerpoint will help our students improve their skills in both making and answering questions in the simple present. See the notes under each slide for instructions on how to use. Part 1 at http://www.eslprintables....
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 158
Simple Present Questions with When Part 1
Sorry, I couldn�t get the file light enough to send it in one go, but I believe this powerpoint will help our students improve their skills in both making and answering questions in the simple present. See the notes under each slide for instructions on how to use. Part 2 at http://www.eslprintables....
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 156
What are they doing behind the shoji screen? Present Continuous Affirmative & Negative
It took a lot of time to make, but I�m really hoping the students will find this powerpoint fun and motivating, as well as it being a very useful resource for checking that the students really understand how to form the affirmative and negative of the present continuous. They look at the shadow/silh...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 295
Have Verb Interrogative, Yes/No Questions & Short Answers through Powepoint Memory Game
Wow, it�s the first time I�ve been able to upload for ages as I�ve been having lots of Internet connection problems. I hope that I can upload means they are over for good now! Students first look at the venn diagram on the first page and memorize who has what. Then they play the game which incorpora...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 161
Simple Present Affirmative & Negative with 3 Basic Verbs: Have, Like & Want Powerpoint Game
This is one of the first powerpoints I made but at that time there were problems with the server and I couldn�t upload. As I�ve just prepared a worksheet to practice the same target language I remembered the ppt and decided to upload it, too. The matching worksheet is also uploaded. Thank you to Phi...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Downloads: 45
Halloween Trivia (Imagery, history, customs etc.) Quiz for 2 Teams, 34 slides, with animations
A Halloween Trivia Quiz which (I think) our students can enjoy at the same time as learning a lot about Halloween. I learnt a lot as I made it anyway, though in same cases it was hard to tell what was fact and what was legend, so if you spot any glaring factual mistakes please let me know so I can c...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 1444
There to be Affirmative & Negative with a, some and any Powerpoint Game
Solved the problem as to why I couldn�t upload my powerpoint - I needed to update my internet explorer!! This is a powerpount game I made to practise the affirmative and negative forms of there to be, around the theme of the place where I live and nature. I hope it�s useful for some of you and your ...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Downloads: 712
Phrasal Verbs with Look Powerpoint Game
A powerpoint game to practice 10 common phrasal verbs with look. Hope all have a great week.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 82
A or An for young learners with Field Trip Theme.
Students choose a or an. If they are correct the toadstool wobbles and a star appears. Matching worksheet also uplaoded today. Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-7
Downloads: 128