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POLL Question!


ballycastle that �s funny because when I was an au pair in England, the famillies I lived with took off their shoes as soon as they came in... when it was raining the mum of my first family insisted that we took off our shoes before entering: we opened the door, took off our shoes and then stepped inside... I remember how annoyed I felt, having to take off my shoes before entering because of the f...ing carpets!!!
i guess it depends on how we were brought up!!!

11 Oct 2010     



in my part of Canada, most people take off their shoes when entering their home or another person �s house. Sometimes, in summer if they are wearing sandals people might leave on their shoes but as a general rule, people tend to take off their shoes when coming in from outside. I suspect it has to do with the fact that it snows a lot, or rains a lot, in my area and most houses have carpet.

Now in Spain, at least the part that I am living in, people do not take off their shoes when entering somebody �s house. Most people see it as strange, as the houses tend to have marble, cement or tile floors and even with slippers on, the floor is cold. The flats here usually have some type of hardwood floor but still, in general, it is not the custom to remove your shoes when entering a person �s house.

11 Oct 2010     

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic we always take outdoor shoes off  and the guests do the same :-) If I have foreign visitors I never tell them to take their shoes off though, I let them do as they prefer... 

11 Oct 2010     


In Italy we usually take outdoor shoes off before entering our house and then put on slippers or thick socks. As I usually clean the floor, you understand why I think this is a good habit...! Of course, when I have friends at home I never ask  them to take off their shoes, that �s not polite, and it �s not an Italian habit to ask someone to take outdoor shoes off. BUT... someone may ask you to walk on little woolen cloths , in this way the floor remains clean (...and you give your contribution by "skating" on them and polishing the floor...!) 

11 Oct 2010     


In Finland we always take outdoor shoes off. Some people use slippers or thick socks if it is cold.

11 Oct 2010     


In Iceland we usually take our shoes off when entering our own, or someone else�s,  home. The exception would be if there is a party and people are all dressed up with fancy footwear :D

11 Oct 2010     

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